Coin Cell Critters
Update, 3/1/2019: A successful Science Night at Sylvia Mendez Elementary yesterday! A few photos below. Additional documentation and build files forthcoming.
An early version testing the idea of adaptable, modular, connectable critters powered by a single coin cell
Coin Cell Critters
“Coin Cell Critters” are tiny modular robots, designed as an educational tool for teaching kids about the basics of electronics, circuits, robotics, and animatronics. They use LEDs, vibration motors, piezo buzzers, switches, and coin cell batteries to simulate the elements of insect life. They also hope to address the high barrier to entry of circuit production by replacing soldering with snap-fit compression joints, and by combining relevant components into interchangeable “attachments.” Currently in the prototyping phase, these snap-fit creatures will be making their debut during Science Night at a local Berkeley elementary school in late February.