The Arduino Prototyping Kit addresses a need for Makerspaces to be able to provide electronics prototyping opportunities to student users on a rotating basis.
Standard kits become a jumble of wires after the first use. Parts break and become lost, and the kit quickly develops additional start-up hurdles that could prevent students from returning to physical computing. Instead, I imagined a kit that would include all of the typical prototyping gear—breadboard, arduino, sensors, transducers—in an easy to manufacture and carry case. This not only helps with students wanting to learn new skills, but students who already know the basics of Arduino prototyping can work out their code before investing significant money into sensors and hats.
Following the production of five kits in February 2022, I led a workshop on their use. This workshop was completed in early March. Further user testing and feedback will lead to iterations on the form and function of the kits, as well as the development of easy-to-use documentation for both the hardware and associated scripts.
The APK lid holds jumpers and a USB cable, which are two essential programming requirements for Arduino.
The kit also solves a common power issue encountered by beginners: that peripherals often take an external 5V source, while the Arduino itself wants 6 - 20V when powered through the barrel jack. The solution for this is a built-in rechargeable battery pack, as well as a 9V battery for the Arduino. A mutually exclusive SPDT ON-OFF-ON switch toggles between sources for the external board, preventing competing voltages.
APK Inputs and Outputs include:
Three potentiometers
Four momentary buttons
A bank of resistors
Active and passive piezo buzzers
Five neopixel LEDs
Two mosfet drivers
A capacitive touch pad
LDR (Light-Dependent Resistor)
DHT20 (Temperature and Humidity)
RTC (not pictured)
FSR (Force-Sensitive Resistor)
Hall Effects Sensor
Tap Sensor (not pictured)
Servo motor
Assorted Arduino Hats (not pictured)
The Arduino APK is an ongoing project! Check back again for updates.